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June 6th 2002 saw the publication of a book entitled Frithioff Johansen, written by Eva Pohl, Helge Krarup, Finn Hermann and Bent Petersen.

In this, art historian Eva Pohl profiles the artist and his work in general, Helge Krarup writes about Johansen as an artist working with light, Finn Hermann describes Johansen's first ten years on the art scene and - last but not least - Bent Petersen, the book's publisher (North Art Magazine), presents an e-mail interview with the artist.

The book has been produced with both Danish and English text - translation to English by Barbara Haveland.

It contains 136 pages and is fully illustrated in colour. Eva Pohl writes in this book: 'When faced with recent works by Frithioff Johansen ... K.E. Løgstrup's words spring to mind: "For a work of art to be any good, it must be born of non-aesthetic motives." Johansen succeeds in building a bridge between science and art, between intellect and feeling. His works generate flashes of light that "cross over". The motivation by which he is fired is never solely aesthetic and his works are always invested with a vision. Frithioff Johansen often ventures out onto the edge of the artistic sphere of cognition.'


Where to buy the book:

North Art Magazine
Nørregade 7 c kld.
DK 1165 Copenhagen K
Tel. 33 11 15 61
e-mail: northart@tiscali.dk

Frithioff Johansen:
Allegade 17 B.
DK 2000 Frederiksberg
Tel. 38 10 39 28
e-mail: post@frit-johan.dk

About the authors:

Eva Pohl MA. Ph.D. Art and book reviewer with the newspaper Berlingske Tidende since 1987. Eva Pohl has written a number of books, among them: æstetisk messianisme og kunstnerproblemet (Aesthetic Messianism and the Artistic Dilemma) (1985), Tom Krøjer (1993) and Blikket i spejlet (The Eye in the Mirror) (2002), which deals with the reflection of the self in self-portraits and the Künstlerroman. She has also contributed to Nye tider - nye skikke (New Times - New Ways) (2002) and Arvesyndens skønne rose (The Sweet Rose of Original Sin) (2002), a book about Martin A. Hansen.

Helge Krarup. High-school teacher and author. Former member of mixed-media groups King Kong, Blow Up and XTRA. Is a published poet (first appearing in print in 1983) and writes playscripts and screenplays, works of literary and art history and much more. Has translated the work of Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodóvar and Vicente Huidobro, among others. Most recent publication: Lyskunst i Danmark (Light Art in Denmark) (2000).

Finn Hermann. Holds an MA in French and art history. Writes and lectures widely on art and art appreciation. Contributor to various art periodicals and radio programmes. Followed the progress the Passepartout group at close quarters. His main area of interest is Dada and Surrealism.

Bent Petersen. Read mathematics and chemistry at the University of Copenhagen from 1960-63, and psychology from 1963-68. Teacher training course completed in 1976, with Danish and religion as his main subjects. Has also studied art history. Organiser and co-organiser of innumerable exhibtions for museums, galleries and other exhibition spaces. Much in demand both as a lecturer and writer. Publisher and editor, since 1976, of the North Art Magazine and associated publishing house.


Peter Zec: Holographie. Geschichte. Technik, Kunst. DuMont 1987;
Hans Peter Ott: Technik als Avantgarde - Avantgarde als Technik. Umbruch. Zeitschrift für Kultur. Herbst 1988;
Reinhold Misselbech: Catalogue for Museum for Holography und new visuel media 1988;
Frank Popper: Modern Light Art. In: LUMIA Catalogue for exhibition with international light art, Charlottenborg , Copenhagen 1999-2000;
Helge Krarup: Lyskunst i Danmark. Forlaget Politisk Revy 2000;
Ole Lindboe: Kunst til tiden. 60 danske kunstnere. Gads Forlag 2002;